Meetings & Events
Meeting Schedule
The YANA Club hosts over 30 Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Al-ANON Family Group, Adult Children of Alcoholics and Overeaters Anonymous meetings each week, along with periodic meetings of a variety of regional recovery related committees.

We are currently experiencing technical issues with our Calendar. Please note below for new meetings (updated 2.26.25)
- Every Sunday: 3:30-4:30 PM NA Agnostics C/D**
Events Schedule
In the events category, YANA prepares and serves a freshly prepared full American breakfast to which all are invited every Sunday morning at 8:00AM prior to the Breakfast Club (AA) open speaker meeting. It also sponsors barbeques or dinners on most holidays and is available for member sponsored recovery related events and memorials.
If you or your group would like to host a 12 Step recovery related meeting, event or memorial at the YANA Club, please contact the YANA Board of Directors via the Contact Us page.