YANA Club of Hilton Head Island
107 Matthews Drive, Hilton Head Island, SC 29926Office Hours
Monday through Sunday:
7 AM-10 PM
You Are Not Alone
The mission of YANA Club is to provide a facility on Hilton Head Island where Twelve-Step groups can meet; to encourage recovery growth and fellowship among those groups; and to ensure a safe, secure and comfortable environment for all attendees.
Our Vision is to be a center for the recovery community, ensuring you are not alone.
The YANA Club of Hilton Head Island was founded in 1986 to provide 12-Step alcohol and addiction-related recovery programs with comfortable, functional, affordable, and secure meeting facilities and services in which to meet and socialize. Since 2000, the YANA Club has owned and operated a repurposed church at 107 Mathews Drive, Hilton Head Island, to satisfy that goal.
The YANA Club is a non-profit corporation organized under the laws of South Carolina and recognized as a charity under Section 501-(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.

Facilities & Service
The YANA goal is to provide a ‘come as you are’ environment in which recovery groups can meet and socialize. That environment includes clean and comfortable meeting rooms, kitchen facilities, restrooms, and a patio, with HVAC, electricity, telephone, wi-fi internet, cleaning and waste removal services, and an active security system.

Code Of Conduct
The Code of Conduct is the agreement among the Club, its members, and the attendees on how best to facilitate recovery. Please remember to be courteous and mindful of the rules so that all may enjoy the benefits of the Club.
- I will conform to all requirements of Federal, State of South Carolina, and local laws.
- I will not bring any alcohol or drugs to these premises.
- I will not smoke, chew, vape, or otherwise use any tobacco or tobacco-type products inside the building.
- I will leave the premises either better than or as clean and orderly as I found them.
- I will not bring an animal or any other pet to the premises. An exception is made for certified service animals for the blind or physically handicapped.
- I will not deface, damage, or destroy property of the YANA Club or the property of its members or visitors.
- I will not Ieave unattended personal belongings or possessions without prior authorization from the YANA Board of Directors.
- I will not sleep or remain overnight on the premises for any reason.
- I will not engage in any fighting, behavior, or disturbance that in any way would be disruptive or dangerous to others.
- I will refrain from inappropriate sexual conduct.
- I will not leave children unattended on the premises.
- I will use the kitchen for cooking or food storage only when in association with an approved meeting or event.
Violation of the above stated Code of Conduct may result in dismissal and/or expulsion from the premises, with readmittance permitted only after a written appeal and appearance before the YANA Club Board of Directors. Violation may also result in prosecution to the full extent of the laws of the State of South Carolina, including, but not limited to, fines imposed at a minimum of $100.00 to be repaid within a ninety (90) day period and/or legal warrant or arrest through local law enforcement officials.
Use of the YANA Club facilities is a privilege and not a right; individuals who cannot or will not comply with the YANA Club Code of Conduct will be denied access to the YANA Club.
Written appeals are to be addressed to YANA Club of Hilton Head, Inc.
Board of Directors
PO Box 7691
Hilton Head Island SC 29938